These are our collection of people, so far.

If you have any photographs or images that you feel may be of interest to us, please send them to

Rose Edith Schlor (1954) around 1957
Sarah Agnes Close (1878) and Alexis Lucas (1875) around 1898
Septimus James Close (1898) in 1936
Thomas Alderson Close (1848) around 1874
Thomas Close (1862) around 1920
William Joseph Close (1890) and Hattie Mae Lawrence (1892) around 1912
Amelia Smith (1856) around 1885
Amelia Smith (1856) around 1890
Amy Verona Close (1882) in 1900
Ann Dargue (1840) around 1870
Ann Dargue (1840) around 1900
Ann Tennant (1853) around 1881
Ann Tennant (1853) around 1906
Ann Tennant (1853) around 1936
Anthony Close (1846) and family around 1897
Anthony John Close (1876) around 1898
Bernard Tennant (1824) before 1890
Bernard Tennant Close (1883) around 1906
Catherine Close (1841) around 1900
Daniel Francis Close (1817) and family in 1860
Daniel Francis Close (1817) in 1880
Edward Close (1832) around 1900
Edward Close (1832) around 1900
Elizabeth Close (1860) in 1885
Elizabeth Close (1871) around 1895
Ellen Close (1847) around 1895
Emma Elizabeth Close (1868) around 1900
Francis Robert Close (1865) around 1930
Frank Wilkinson Close (1880) in 1911
Frederic Close (1889) around 1940
Frederick William Close (1894) around 1915
Frederick William Close (1894) around 1940
Gilbert Fairchild Close (1881) around 1930
Harriet Close (1871) and family around 1907
Heather Sonja Schlor (1955) around 1957
Horace Cecil Close (1885) around 1910
Isabella Close (1881) in 1909
Isabella Close (1881) in 1909
Isabella Smith (1831) around 1880
James Close (1843) around 1875
James Close (1843) around 1900
James Henry Close (1870) around 1935
John Andrew Close (1956) in 1968
John Close (1853) around 1881
John Close (1853) around 1906
John Close (1862) around 1915
Margaret Close (1812) around 1875
Margaret Close (1856) around 1915
Mary Ann Turner (1862) around 1915
Mary Ellen Hooper (1850) and family around 1895
Melchizedek Close (1846) around 1866
Metcalfe Close (1893) around 1918
Robert Alfred Close (1899) around 1920
Rose Edith Schlor (1954) around 1957
Sarah Agnes Close (1878) and Alexis Lucas (1875) around 1898
Septimus James Close (1898) in 1936
Thomas Alderson Close (1848) around 1874
Thomas Close (1862) around 1920
William Joseph Close (1890) and Hattie Mae Lawrence (1892) around 1912
Amelia Smith (1856) around 1885
Amelia Smith (1856) around 1890
Amy Verona Close (1882) in 1900
Ann Dargue (1840) around 1870
Ann Dargue (1840) around 1900
Ann Tennant (1853) around 1881
Home > Galleries > People Gallery > People > The Ivy Lilian Close Album > The Ivy Lilian Close Album
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1919
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1919
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1920
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1921
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1923
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1908
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1912
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1916
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1916
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1919
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1919
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1920
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1921
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1923
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1908
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1912
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1916
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1916
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Ivy Lilian Close (1890) around 1918
Home > Galleries > People Gallery > People > The John "Poet" Close Album > The John "Poet" Close Album
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1855
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1863
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1869
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1873
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1885
John "Poet" Close (1816) Postcard around 1915
Children of John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1871
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1855
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1863
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1869
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1873
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1885
John "Poet" Close (1816) Postcard around 1915
Children of John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1871
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1855
John "Poet" Close (1816) around 1863
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1869
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1873
John "Poet" Close (1816) in 1885

And now for a bit of housekeeping

See the wood and the trees

We publish everything we have in our fabulous trees, so basically if you can’t find it, we don’t have it. With over 20,000 people, 5,000 families, 12,000 sources, and 69,000 image references currently sat in our database, you’ll appreciate the amount of work that has gone into this over the years.

You can see more in the Close Ancestry Trees.


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