While we try to be as complete and accurate as possible, sometimes there are mistakes or gaps in the information we publish. So, our Contributors are the hugely important people who take the time to put us right. This can be as simple as a date or name correction, photographs or certificates, or right up to providing entire trees.

Over the years we’ve had hundreds of emails from hundreds of people, and we try to reply to them all and make the updates. Sometimes these appear fairly quickly, but others may take time to be published. It often depends on hitting a convenient break in the research, plus of course there are only so many hours in a day. Please bear with us because your contributions will get there eventually.

When they do, we always give credit to whoever provided the information, which is what you’re reading now. All our Contributors have their own category on the main site which identifies the site updates, plus they also have a history within our trees which details what they’ve done, and links to the people they’ve updated.

So, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the site over the years, and please keep the updates and information coming.

For a complete list of all our Contributors, select Categories from the right-hand tab. Clicking a name from there will show all their contributions.

And now for a bit of housekeeping

See the wood and the trees

We publish everything we have in our fabulous trees, so basically if you can’t find it, we don’t have it. With over 20,000 people, 5,000 families, 12,000 sources, and 69,000 image references currently sat in our database, you’ll appreciate the amount of work that has gone into this over the years.

You can see more in the Close Ancestry Trees.


We know that everyone in the world is after your hard-earned cash, but if you do feel a donation coming on as a result of your visit here, then please feel free to send it our way. It all goes towards the upkeep of the site, for which we charge absolutely nothing. So, please help us to keep the site free to use. Thanks.

Contacting us

If you find anything that you think may be of interest to us, then drop us an email at stuff@closeancestry.com

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